Automatic sheet naming


Hans Weustink

Is it possible with a macro to have all let's say 20
names on a first sheet and use them as a base to name 20
new to create sheet's?


x = A2
Sheets("Sheet2").Name = x

And so on

Thanks in advance,
Hans Weustink

Barry Pettis

This code will loop through a column of data and create a new sheet name
from the data.

It does not check for length or invalid name characters.

Sub MakeNamedSheets()

' Loop through column where sheet names are stored
For Each cell In Sheet1.Range("A1:A65536")
If cell = "" Then Exit For
' Add a New Sheet
Sheets(ActiveSheet.Name).Name = cell
Next cell

End Sub

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Paul Robinson

Building on Barry's code to do the checking

Sub MakeNamedSheets()
Dim TempName as String
' Loop through column where sheet names are stored
For Each cell In Sheet1.Range("A1:A65536")
TempName = Cell.Text
If TempName = "" Then Exit For 'sub aborted as end of names block
' Add a New Sheet
If Len(TempName) > 30 Then
TempName = Left(TempName, 10) & " ... " & Right(TempName, 3)
'length of 18
End If
'Finally, check TempName does not contain :, \, /, ?, *, [ or ]
Do While (InStr(TempName, ":") Or InStr(TempName, "\") Or _
InStr(TempName, "/") Or InStr(TempName, "?") Or _
InStr(TempName, "*") Or InStr(TempName, "[") Or _
InStr(TempName, "]"))
TempName = InputBox("Sheet name contains :, \, /, ?, *, [ or ]." _
& "Please edit to remove.","Title", TempName)
cell.Value = TempName 'optional
Sheets(ActiveSheet.Name).Name = TempName
Next cell

End Sub


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