Automatic Text Updates to New Documents


Peter Overton

Don't know exactly how to ask this. I am an experienced WordPerfect
user converting to Word (why?, you ask). I am accustomed to using a
template with WP "open styles" containing text I can update globally in
the document when I edit the "style". Can I use Word "Fields" to the in
the same way? Or shoud I be learning how to do Merge operations? Just
need a clue about how to proceed. Thanks

Terry Farrell

I've not used WordPerfect so I don't quite follow the question. But does it
help to know that if you edit the format of a style in a Word document, it
will change all the instances of that style throughout the document. When
you save the document, you will be prompted to Save the Changes to the
Document Template. If you answer Yes, all new documents based on the
template will use the new style and if you open any old documents based on
the template, these will update to the new style if you run AutoFormat. So
there is no need to use fields.

Does this help?

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