Automatic Text


Vida Shaver

I "inherited" a template for a contract our Salesmen use
here. The way it works is, they type a number and then hit
F3 and text appears. There are around 50 different numbers
and each one represents a different item on the contract.
For example, 1 is Carpet Cleaning, 2 is Carpet Shampooing,
3 is Window Washing, etc. I would like to edit the text
that is appearing but I am not sure where to find it. I do
not see a macro in the template. Any ideas where this text
might reside? Any help would be appreciated.


Vida Shaver
(e-mail address removed)

Peter Hewett

Hi Vida

The text that is being used is AutoText, autotext is only stored in a
template never a document. So to edit the autotext you need to edit the

The way to do this is to insert the autotext entry you want to edit into your
template by entering the required number and pressing F3. Now edit the text
you've just inserted. When you are happy with it select all of the text you
want contained in the autotext entry and now overwrite the original entry. To
overwrite the autotext entry:

1 Select the text you want for the autotext entry
2 Form words menu Insert>AutoText>AutoText
3 In the dialogs "Look in" dropdown make sure your template is selected and
4 The first time you do this you now have to cancel the dialog and repeat
step 3
5. Select the name of your autotext entry (a number in your case) from the
listbox and click on the Add button
6. Because the autotext entry already exists (you're overwriting it) you will
be asked "So you want to redefine the AutoText entry?", now click on "Yes"

Repeat the above for each autotext entry you want to edit.

You can find help on autotext in Words online help.

HTH + Cheers - Peter

Charles Kenyon

This is called "AutoText." Look it up in help.

To edit it, you need to insert it (the way you have been). Then make your
changes, then save it as an AutoText entry _back to your template!_ This
last is important. The only way I do this is by calling the AutoText dialog
under the Tools => AutoCorrect (Options) commands. Then make sure that it
gives the name of your template as the place to save your revised entry.
Give it the same name (number) as was originally used.

If you are going to be doing this extensively, Jay Freedman prepared a
utility for loading AutoText into a template from a table. I'm not sure
where you can find it but if you ask, I'm sure someone else knows.

Charles Kenyon

See the MVP FAQ: <URL:> which is awesome!
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