Automatic update of calculation fields in a protected form


Anna Kezer

In Word 2003, I have a table with simple multiplication formulas, which
should be automatically calculated once the document is protected and a user
puts numbers into respective cells. The problem is that this does work in one
document, but when I copy-paste the exact same table into another document,
it stops working. Formulas are assigned to the cell through "Table -
Formula..." and are simple "=PRODUCT(a3,c3)" type.
In unprotected mode, I am able to manually trigger update by F9 or
right-clicking the cell and selecting "Update Field". But this of course does
not work for the protected/form mode.
Any ideas why would automatic update of calculation fields work in one
document and would not work in a new one, created by simple copy/paste, no
properties changed?

Suzanne S. Barnhill

Make sure you have "Calculate on exit" checked in each of the form fields
that contributes to the calculation.

Anna Kezer

Thanks you for your answer - however, this does not work in this case (at
least, I couldn't put it to work):

1. There is no "Calculate on exit" field to check if one inserts the formula
through Insert -> Field... : when I right-click "Edit formula" on the created
calculation field, "Field" dialog window opens with a list of Field Names and
two buttons - Field Codes and Formula... - no "Calculate on exit" checkbox.
Clicking on either of the buttons does not produce "Calculate on exit"
checkbox anywhere as well.

2. I did try to create a calculation field through insertion of a text
field, selecting "Calculation", entering a formula, and then marking
"Calculate on exit" - however, when I protect the document and a user has no
access (cannot 'tab' through) to the calculation field, the field does not
get updated since no one enters or exits it...

Suzanne S. Barnhill

You described the document as a "protected form." This implies that there
are form fields. Every form field (Form Field Options) has the "Calculate on
exit" option. If your calculation field is based on the data entered in
other form fields, then the "Calculate on exit" property needs to be set in
each field that contributes to the calculation.

Anna Kezer

I just checked - every field with the "Calculate on exit" option has it

As I mentioned before, I just copied this table with calcultions from
another document - where it does work perfectly - into a new one. Copy-paste
- nothing else. However, updates/calculations do not work in the new document
Making from scratch also does not work. Is there some global option for
updating/calculation I am not aware about?

Charles Kenyon

Often copies of formfields will lose their bookmark names. Not sure if this
happens when copying between documents. Make sure each of the formfields has
a bookmark name - and that it is the name used in the calculations.

In your formulae, make sure you are using the bookmark names rather than the
table cell references.
Charles Kenyon

Word New User FAQ & Web Directory:

Intermediate User's Guide to Microsoft Word (supplemented version of
Microsoft's Legal Users' Guide)

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from my ignorance and your wisdom.

Anna Kezer

Thank you for your answer. I've checked the original table: it doesn't use
bookmarks - rather, it uses cell names like in Excel (A3, C3).

However, as per your suggestion I've tried using bookmarks (went and put
fields with bookmarks and "calculate on exit" checked oneverywhere) but it
didn't help - in protected mode fields/cell of the table still would not get
updated. In unprotected, I get calculation results only if I right-click and
select "Update Field" in the pop-up menu.

This drives me crazy! :)

Charles Kenyon

I meant you give the fields names in the same dialog box as you check
"calculate on exit," not that you insert additional bookmarks.
Charles Kenyon

Word New User FAQ & Web Directory:

Intermediate User's Guide to Microsoft Word (supplemented version of
Microsoft's Legal Users' Guide)

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This message is posted to a newsgroup. Please post replies
and questions to the newsgroup so that others can learn
from my ignorance and your wisdom.


THANK YOU! I was having the same problem and tried your suggestion...I
checked the "Calculate on exit" for the fields that input is allowed and not
for the the calculated fields themselves and then protected the form. IT

You made my day...and helped me solve a big problem which I can now go fix
in other forms.

Have a great one!

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