Vidya Narasimhan said:
Thanks for your response.
Your are correct in your assumption that the master project plan will
include the 3 sub projects.
Ideally, I want the milestones to reside in the upper level (master) project
plan as well as in the lower level detailed sub-project plan.
Are the external predecessors same as the predecessors?
Here is some additional information that might hep you better understand my
situation - the 3 sub-projects will be handled by 3 different people and one
person (other then the 3 sub-project managers) will handle the master project
plan (upper level). On a weekly basis, the sub-projects will be updated by
the sub-project managers and the master project manager will copy and paste
the updated sub-project plan (lower level) in the approriate place in the
master project plan. Since the milestones reside at the upper level and at
the lower level, once the updated sub-project plan is pasted at the lower
level, can the milestones in the upper level be automatically updated by such
external predecessors links?
Thanks very much for your response,
best regards
You were fine until you mentioned cut and paste. That is NOT the best
way to create a master project. What you should do is use Insert/Project
to insert the 3 subproject plans into a master file. That automatically
creates a dynamic master wherein changes at either the master level or
at the subproject levels will be reflected in the other. It is best to
have the master and all 3 subproject residing on a single common server
where everybody has read/write access.
External predecessors are the same as predecessors except the link
includes the path to the other file.
The foremost question is, who has responsibility for each milestone? Is
it the manager at the lower level plan or the manager of the upper level
plan? It can't be both. The actual milestone should reside in the
"owner's" plan. I'm guessing that the milestones should be in each of
the lower level plans. Then, create an external link from that milestone
to a duplicate milestone in the master plan. With a master plan it is
very easy to create the external links using a drag and drop process.
That is, select the Gantt milestone at the lower level and with the
mouse button held down, drag it up to the duplicate milestone in the
master. An external link will be formed. You can filter the master to
make it easier to see both milestones on a single screen. Or, go the the
project help file and read about external links.
Once the link is made, when the lower level managers update their
milestone, that change will automatically be updated in the master.
Hope this helps.
Project MVP