A ´problem´which continues to bug me: How do I create a message that after X
seconds/minutes/hours shuts itself, without the user having to click on
I know, well just about anyway, how this is done i Access, however whether
the same teqhnique is used in other VBA forms - I dont know.
I´m fairly certain there´s a differency, hence my writing.'
Please tell me I´m wrong, to stop creating problems where there aren´t any -
seconds/minutes/hours shuts itself, without the user having to click on
I know, well just about anyway, how this is done i Access, however whether
the same teqhnique is used in other VBA forms - I dont know.
I´m fairly certain there´s a differency, hence my writing.'
Please tell me I´m wrong, to stop creating problems where there aren´t any -