Automatically Combine Cell Contents and Delete Rows



If someone could help me, I'd greatly appreciate it

I have an Excel document that contains responses to a number o
different questions on an application. The responses to every questio
for every applicant are in column A. In each cell the response i
preceded by a unique variable that identifies the question to which th
applicant is responding. For example, first_name: precedes th
applicants first name, and the contents of a cell containing a
applicant's response to a question asking his first name might b
"first_name: John"

Whenever an applicant types his or her response into a text field an
presses the return key to begin typing on a new line, a row is added t
the output Excel document. So, if someone types some amount of text
presses the return key twice, and types some additional text, th
response is spread across three rows in column A. (The unique variabl
precedes only the text in the first row, not all of the rows acros
which the response is spread.

I need to format the spreadsheet in a way that the responses are no
contained in more than one cell. So, I presume that I need a macro tha
can go through the document, identify when there are too many row
between variables (this occurs when a response is spread across two o
more rows), combine responses that are contained in more than one cell
and delete any additional rows. Because I have many, many questions an
many, many applications, it is not something that I can manually do

What I have: (the numbers on the left-hand side represent rows
1 variable1: response
2 variable2: response
3 variable3: response

5 response
6 variable4: response

What I need
1 variable1: response
2 variable2: response
3 variable3: response3 response
4 variable4: response

I would greatly, GREATLY appreciate it if someone could help me


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