I am working on doing inventory and my boss would like a spreadsheet where we
can enter our inventory for this year and automatically copy the items we
need to another spreadsheet to print and order from. Basically, we have
columns with the inventory information (item, brand, description, order size,
etc) and then three columns indicating what we have in stock, how many we
need total, and how many we need to order for next year.
What I would like to do is take any of the items that indicate that we need
to order them (>0 in the to order column) and copy all the information for
that item to a new spreadsheet so we dont have to search and manually copy
and paste every year what we need to order.
I'm sure this is a simple thing, but I'm not very well versed in excel lingo
(I can do basic functions but unfortunately, I'm the most qualified here
because I am "the youngest and grew up with computers so I know how to turn
the computer on")
Any help would be appreciated...especially if you can make it like Excel for
Dummies or something!
can enter our inventory for this year and automatically copy the items we
need to another spreadsheet to print and order from. Basically, we have
columns with the inventory information (item, brand, description, order size,
etc) and then three columns indicating what we have in stock, how many we
need total, and how many we need to order for next year.
What I would like to do is take any of the items that indicate that we need
to order them (>0 in the to order column) and copy all the information for
that item to a new spreadsheet so we dont have to search and manually copy
and paste every year what we need to order.
I'm sure this is a simple thing, but I'm not very well versed in excel lingo
(I can do basic functions but unfortunately, I'm the most qualified here
because I am "the youngest and grew up with computers so I know how to turn
the computer on")
Any help would be appreciated...especially if you can make it like Excel for
Dummies or something!