Automatically create ranges and then name them


Sarah Cichos


I have the following problem... for roughly 12K rows & 2 columns, I
want to define ranges & names without manually going through.
How do I do that??

Example (only taking 10 rows here for simplicity):

1 John 5
2 John 6
3 John 7
4 Max 3
5 Max 4
6 Lucy 52
7 Lucy 53
8 Lucy 54
9 Lucy 55
10 Theo 13

I'll want to name range B1:B3 "John", range B4:B5 "Max", etc.

Thanks in advance!



I have the following problem... for roughly 12K rows & 2 columns, I
want to define ranges & names without manually going through.
How do I do that??

Example (only taking 10 rows here for simplicity):

       A        B
1   John         5
2   John         6
3   John         7
4   Max  3
5   Max  4
6   Lucy         52
7   Lucy         53
8   Lucy         54
9   Lucy         55
10 Theo  13

I'll want to name range B1:B3 "John", range B4:B5 "Max", etc.

Thanks in advance!

This requires a macro. However, before writing one, it would be useful
what you are planning to do with these ranges afterwards. Are you
trying to look-up in them, or calculate totals, etc? If so, then you
don't need to define names, there are other ways to do this.

Perhaps you could post a little more info.

Sarah Cichos

This requires a macro. However, before writing one, it would be useful
what you are planning to do with these ranges afterwards. Are you
trying to look-up in them, or calculate totals, etc? If so, then you
don't need to define names, there are other ways to do this.

Perhaps you could post a little more info.

Thanks for looking into it. I was planning to lookup the range names
(with an index function) and then concatenate the information from
column B into one cell, separated by comma. My results should look
like this (based on the example above):
John 5, 6, 7
Max 3, 4
Lucy 52, 53, 54, 55
Theo 13

I have all that already, I only need to find a way to name the ranges
to pull this data.
If there's an easier way to do that, I'll gladly take it! :)

Sarah Cichos

Thanks for looking into it. I was planning to lookup the range names
(with an index function) and then concatenate the information from
column B into one cell, separated by comma. My results should look
like this (based on the example above):
John 5, 6, 7
Max 3, 4
Lucy 52, 53, 54, 55
Theo 13

I have all that already, I only need to find a way to name the ranges
to pull this data.
If there's an easier way to do that, I'll gladly take it! :)

One more thing: I'm not looking to sum these numbers up. So, sumif
won't do :(

Sarah Cichos

Thanks for looking into it. I was planning to lookup the range names
(with an index function) and then concatenate the information from
column B into one cell, separated by comma. My results should look
like this (based on the example above):
John 5, 6, 7
Max 3, 4
Lucy 52, 53, 54, 55
Theo 13

I have all that already, I only need to find a way to name the ranges
to pull this data.
If there's an easier way to do that, I'll gladly take it! :)

Never mind - I found a way! It includes match to look up the position
of the name and then indirect(address)... to locate the lookup. Thank
you anyway! :)


Never mind - I found a way! It includes match to look up the position
of the name and then indirect(address)... to locate the lookup. Thank
you anyway! :)

No problem.

Ron Rosenfeld

Thanks for looking into it. I was planning to lookup the range names
(with an index function) and then concatenate the information from
column B into one cell, separated by comma. My results should look
like this (based on the example above):
John 5, 6, 7
Max 3, 4
Lucy 52, 53, 54, 55
Theo 13

I have all that already, I only need to find a way to name the ranges
to pull this data.
If there's an easier way to do that, I'll gladly take it! :)

I don't know why you need to define names to do that. The result can be achieved with a macro:

To enter this Macro (Sub), <alt-F11> opens the Visual Basic Editor.
Ensure your project is highlighted in the Project Explorer window.
Then, from the top menu, select Insert/Module and
paste the code below into the window that opens.

To use this Macro (Sub), <alt-F8> opens the macro dialog box. Select the macro by name, and <RUN>.

The macro assumes your data is laid out as in your example. Changes to be made should be obvious, but post back if not.

Option Explicit
Sub ConcatNameData()
Dim cNames As Collection
Dim rSrc As Range, rdest As Range, c As Range
Dim rName As Range
Dim sRes As String
Dim i As Long
Dim sFirstAddress As String
Set rSrc = Range("A1", Cells(Cells.Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp))
Set rdest = Range("F1")
Set cNames = New Collection

'Get unique list of names
On Error Resume Next
For Each c In rSrc
cNames.Add Item:=c.Text, Key:=CStr(c.Text)
Next c

'Concatenate results
For i = 1 To cNames.Count
With rSrc.EntireColumn
Set c = .Find(cNames(i), LookIn:=xlValues, after:=Cells(Cells.Rows.Count, rSrc.Column))
If Not c Is Nothing Then
sFirstAddress = c.Address
sRes = c.Text & " " & c.Offset(columnoffset:=1).Text
Set c = .FindNext(c)
If Not c Is Nothing And c.Address <> sFirstAddress Then
sRes = sRes & ", " & c.Offset(columnoffset:=1).Text
End If
Loop While Not c Is Nothing And c.Address <> sFirstAddress
End If
End With

rdest.Value = sRes
Set rdest = rdest(2, 1)

Next i
End Sub

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