Automatically create table based on query?



I hav a query with a lot of calculated fields.
I also want totals of all of these fields. Is there a way to export all the
values in a query to a new table without having to create the table?

Very important to me: I want the values to be put in the new table, not the
underlying calculations!

Thnx for thinking with me!



I agree with you, I am not a professional programmer thus looking for the
(for me) fastest en simplest solution.
I have a query that calculates a lot of fields but if I make a copy of the
query and let it sum up all the values it starts talking about subquery's
that are not permitted. That's how I got the idea to make a table. If there
is a better way to do it, I would very much like to hear it!

TIA Henro



This is very easy. You can change the selection query to a create table
query when you are on the query design vieuw.



Can I send you the query?


TIA Henro

Joseph Meehan said:
I would need to see the query structure you have. Normally it should
not be a problem.

Joseph E. Meehan

26 + 6 = 1 It's Irish Math




I am very sorry Joseph, I solved the problem! It was in a field that
calculated Percentages. If there was no data in a record it would show
#Error. This (non)value cannot be exported to a date/time field. I solved it
first by simply using a querycriterium stating 'Is Not Null', then later on
started using =NZ([Value]).

Thnx for your offer, but the problem is solved!

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