Automatically Delete E-mail When You "Block Sender?"



Is it possible to have Outlook 2007 automatically delete the e-mail when you
click the "block sender" button? I'm tired of having to block them in my
junk folder and the delete them... it seems like it should be one inclusive

Anyone else agree?


I agree with this. It is one of the two most annoying things I've found
since I switched from Thunderbird.

What's wrong with the logic that once I've set the filters for blocked
senders, that the same rule should be applied to new mail that is then
designated junk?

Shire Valley Design

I also find this most annoying. What is the point of blocking email
addresses if I must manually sort through the junk folder to delete them? A
blocked email should not be allowed to be downloaded but should be returned
to the sender as undeliverable with no explanation, leading them to think my
address does not exsist. Putting 'blocked' emails into a special folder
isn't blocking the email; instead it's treating them as special and creating
double work for me. Overall I am happy with Microsoft products and the many
advances, however blocking emails from entering the computer seems like such
a basic stone age concept. It baffles me that Microsoft can't do better than

Brian Tillman

Shire Valley Design said:
I also find this most annoying. What is the point of blocking email
addresses if I must manually sort through the junk folder to delete

All blocking an address does it tell Outlook to consider it junk. That is,
whatever you have configured as the junk handling will apply. If your junk
filter is set to delete incoming junk and not put it in the junk mail
folder, then messages whose senders are blocked will be deleted.
A blocked email should not be allowed to be downloaded but
should be returned to the sender as undeliverable with no
explanation, leading them to think my address does not exsist.

Outlook can't tell the message contains a blocked sender until it has been
downloaded. Bouncing a message is a server function, not a client function.
Moreover, bouncing a message from a spammer either does nothing, because the
sender address is non-existent, or, in the case of a hijacked address,
merely sends a message to an innocent victim. Bouncing junk mail is
pointless. Since spammers rarely use the same address twice, using the
Blocked Senders list is almost pointless.
Putting 'blocked' emails into a special folder isn't blocking the
email; instead it's treating them as special and creating double work
for me. Overall I am happy with Microsoft products and the many
advances, however blocking emails from entering the computer seems
like such a basic stone age concept. It baffles me that Microsoft
can't do better than this.

Consider how you would complain if Outlook incorrectly categorized a good
message as junk and either never downloaded it or deleted it if it did.
There are always situations of false positives. If Outlook didn't save your
junk mail for you to look over, you wouldn't like it either. I di agree,
though, that it would be nice if Outlook's junk filter were user-trainable.

Brian Tillman

Adam said:
Is it possible then to create a "block sender and delete" button?

Not without writing VBA code, and, since I'm unfamiliar with that, I can't
say if it could be done. You might wand to ask int one of the programming
newsgroups, like


I can't believe this has been going on for nearly two years (see Erik F
above). Surely microsoft could add the option to the Blocked senders list -
"send to deleted items" or better still permanently delete immediately"? As
Erik pointed out (a long time ago) I still want SUSPECTED junk to go into a
folder I can look at, but that which I have identified as junk, ie on the
blocked senders list, I don't want either myself or my family to have to view
again. I use outlook 2003, it seems 2007 still hasn't got to grips with
this. JUST HOW HARD WOULD IT BE?????????????

Brian Tillman

tykeintsouth said:
I can't believe this has been going on for nearly two years (see Erik
F above). Surely microsoft could add the option to the Blocked
senders list - "send to deleted items" or better still permanently
delete immediately"? As Erik pointed out (a long time ago) I still
want SUSPECTED junk to go into a folder I can look at, but that which
I have identified as junk, ie on the blocked senders list, I don't
want either myself or my family to have to view again. I use outlook
2003, it seems 2007 still hasn't got to grips with this. JUST HOW
HARD WOULD IT BE?????????????

Since I'm not an Outlook programmer, I have no idea how hard it would be. I
do know, however, that the Blocked Sender list is as nearly a waste of time
to use as are junk mail rules one creates oneself, since spammers rarely
reuse the sending address you'll see on a junk message. I also know that I
can quickly identify valid mail incorrectly categorized as junk by a 15
second scan of the junk mail folder subject list, move those messages to
Inbox or another folder, then empty the remainer of the junk mail with one
right-click. It takes hardly more time than the Blocked Sender list would.


Just long enough for my children to find out what two women and
whoever/whatever else can get up to!

not being a programmer myself I wouldn't know exactly how long the
programming would take, but presumably 4 years should have been enough for
the amply resourced Gates empire?

w.r.t "since spammers rarely reuse the sending address you'll see on a junk
message" - not so, particularly the domain name

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