Automatically deleting messages from the inbox



How do I delete automatically from the inbox? After I read a message in my
inbox and I choose delete from the edit tab the message changes in the inbox
to a lined out message but does not delete. The only way I can delete is to
move the message to the delete folder and the message goes into the delete
folder but still does not delete from the inbos. The message is still lined
out but remains present in the inbox. I have spent 45 mins. looking for a
fix on this but cannot figure it out. Please give me the steps to accomplish

Brian Tillman

seatonrltr said:
How do I delete automatically from the inbox? After I read a message
in my inbox and I choose delete from the edit tab the message changes
in the inbox to a lined out message but does not delete.

Apparently you are using an IMAP account. IMAP accounts do NOT have Deleted
Items folders (at least that mean anything). Clicking Delete just marks the
message for deletion. In order to actually remove the items, click
Edit>Purge Deleted Items.
The only
way I can delete is to move the message to the delete folder and the
message goes into the delete folder but still does not delete from
the inbos. The message is still lined out but remains present in the
inbox. I have spent 45 mins. looking for a fix on this but cannot
figure it out. Please give me the steps to accomplish this.

Click View>Arrange By>Current View>Hide Messages Marked for Deletion if you
don't want to see them. I think that if you select the "Empty the Deleted
Items folder upon exiting" option on Tools>Options>Other, that items marked
for deletion will be purged when you exit Outlook, but I'm not certain of


Mozilla Thunderbird does it with IMAP, and has for the three years I've used
it. Maybe that was once true, with early IMAP standards, but Outlook is just
woefully behind the curve in this area. The same is true with placing sent
items in an IMAP sent items folder. Thunderbird does it perfectly.

Brian Tillman

plogan said:
Mozilla Thunderbird does it with IMAP, and has for the three years
I've used it.

If that's what you see, then Thunderbird is handling it itself, making you
think it's available. The IMAP standards specify that I said.
Maybe that was once true, with early IMAP standards,

It's still true.
but Outlook is just woefully behind the curve in this area. The same
is true with placing sent items in an IMAP sent items folder.
Thunderbird does it perfectly.

But what Thunderbird is doing is outside of the IMAP standards. I will
agree, though, that Outlook is not the best IMAP client that exists.

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