Automatically enter actual hours worked per resource



I would like to update actual hours worked for each
resource assigned to an activity. I have a data collection
system (barcode) that captures hours worked on a project
per resource for each day. I'd like to automate the proces
of entering in to MSP 2003 pro. Has anyone done this? If
you use a macro or VBA can I get a copy?


Jan De Messemaeker

Hi Mike,

Yes it can be done and it has been done frequently (inVBA)
But there are lots of variations:

- Which kind of file do your actual times reside in
- What is the rcording period? What is the rporting period?
- What are the business rules for instance when somebody records no time on
Monday but does record time on Tuesday
- Who handles remaining work
- Approval cycles? Correction process?

Like all applications of a certain complexity, it's not the code that is
critical ...


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