automatically fill in records


Database User

I have a database for a fitness centre. There are members who pay monthly,
annuly, quarterly etc. For the monthly people they get an invoice just before
the begining of every month to invoice them for the coming month. So each of
those monthly people have to be entered in the payment form/subform as
registered for that new month but not paid, basically the form on top has the
members name and address, then the subform has the following records
Month ID - so that would get filled in as October '05,
Payment Method ID - (each month has to be filled in again because he could
change) so it is defaulted to MTH which means monthly membership
Amount Owing - this gets automatically filled in because it was taken from
the payment method table.
Amount paid - this is defaulted to 0.00
Balance - this is automaticallly worked out based on the AMount owing and
amount paid field.
So bascially what i need is a query to have all monthly members(in the
members table they have a field of current payment method) THen all those ppl
i automatically want to be filled in for the month ID that i choose.
Basically all i need is the Member ID and Month ID to be filled in, all the
rest will be defaulted automatically - is there a way of doing this?

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