Automatically generate future date


Matthew Loraditch

hopefully these are the right NGs for this question.
I have a user who has a template document that they feed into a program that
automatically prints and mail merges them with its database information. The
problem is it needs to have a data five days into the future. I tried doing
this with an embedded excel field which sort of works but doesn't roll over
at the end of the month. The user doesn't want to have to open the document
and force the rollover.
Is there some sort of field code or another way around this with VB so that
we can do what we want?
Thanks much!

Matthew Loraditch

Graham I have done that,
Now it says Feb 3, 2008, If I change date to createdate as mentioned on your
site I get january 3rd 2008.
My pc date and time is correct.... this is very strange...
Thanks for your help!

Graham Mayor

According to the metadata stored in the document, that document was created
on the 25th February, so if you change the DATE fields to CREATEDATE fields
you should (and do) get March 1, 2008.

Using DATE fields, when updated, the date today again correctly shows March
3rd ie 5 days from today.

The document and the fields are correct.

If you are getting January 3rd instead of March 1st, you have a problem with
transposed day/month. Check your Windows regional settings.

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Graham Mayor - Word MVP

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Graham Mayor

Just a thought - did you read the introductory notes in Macropod's DateCalc
document that you can download from my web site?

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Graham Mayor - Word MVP

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I was not able to figure out what I need to do to post date my date field.
Can you be more speciifc with directions as to how to add 7 days to a current
date settings for a mail merge?

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