Automatically have a name appear instead of a number


Access Hater

I have to create a Help Desk database where jobs are
logged by employees in Access 2000.

I need EmployeeID, JobID, ManagerID, DepartmentID, RoomID,
AssetID tables.

In my JobID table I have the following fields:
JobID, EmployeeID, EmpPhone, RoomID, DeptID,
DeptDescription, ManagerID, ManagerPhone, JobLoggedDate,
AssignedTo, AssetLocation, AssetID, JobDescription,
JobStartDate, JobCompletedDate, WorkPerformed

Where all the *ID fields are tables in their own right.

As employees have a number ID, how do you know which
employee it is? How can you show in a form that employee 1
is John Doe or employee 2 is jane doe, etc.

Any help would be greatly appreciated as I'm going blind
here. Am new to Access.

Jeff Boyce

Dear "Hater"

Sounds like you are asking how you can see Employee information when you
know EmployeeID (from the Job table).

A query will allow you to join those two tables together, on EmployeeID, and
display whatever fields you need from each table.

Good luck

Jeff Boyce
<Access MVP>

John Vinson

As employees have a number ID, how do you know which
employee it is? How can you show in a form that employee 1
is John Doe or employee 2 is jane doe, etc.

The most common way is to use a Combo Box bound to the employee ID. If
you use the toolbox wizard, Access will offer to create a combo box
which stores the ID, but displays the name; or you can easily set it
up manually to do so. Ordinarily a Form shouldn't even show you the
ID; it would be used "behind the scenes" to link tables, but users
don't need to even see it, much less type it!

If you want to set up the combo manually, create a Query based on the
Employee table (which should have EmployeeID as its Primary Key and
fields for LastName, FirstName, and other bio and contact
information). Sort it by Lastname, then Firstname, and select the
EmployeeID in the query. You might want to put in a calculated field
by typing

FullName: [FirstName] & " " & [LastName] <e.g. "Jane Doe">


FullName: [LastName] & ", " & [FirstName] <"Doe, Jane">

as the second field in the query. Then create a Combo Box based on the
query; make the EmployeeID the bound column, but use the ColumnWidths
property to set its width to zero so that you only see the FullName.

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