Automatically Increase page size



I noticed that while handwriting emails in OUTLOOK 2k3, the "writing area"
automatically expands as you get near the bottom of the predefined writing

I usually do my homework set in OneNote, it gets reasonably long, 6-14
pages... and while I have to press the "expand page" button in the bottom, I
don't see it as necessary. Does OneNote sp1 contain a "hidden" option to
automatically expand the page?
After all, Outlook 2k3 is using shared office code that most probably
OneNote can access.

Here lies the problem. Working with a tablet is confy as long as your hand
is lying over the screen. too far off and it's awkward.
As you get near the bottom your only option is to push the button, which in
turn adds a whole page and you have to go back to the top.
If I just wanted to add 2-3 lines, then I would have to scroll back up.
Another annoyancy: As I'm scrolling up an empty space, the empty space will
be "eaten up" and I can't scroll down anymore.

Solutions? .... (this just dawned on me) one would be to come up with is
making a template that is 20 pages long with some kind of scribble in the
** OneNote simply expands the page as I'm reaching toward its end **

( Or at least do what excel does, you just press the DOWN arrow and more
rows are created "
Currently in OneNote pressing the down arrow (not the one on the keyboard)
will not create more lines.

While I'd love to be able to check a button to enable the
aboverequested/ranted features I'd be humiliated if I'd missed that on the
options menu. I looked for something like that,,, I promise.

Chris_Pratley \(MS\)


If we expanded the page automatically, it would move underneath your pen ,
possibly when you were not expecting it. Is this really what you want?
Although this might work some of the time if you were looking at the screen
as your wrote and were inking slowly, if you were not looking at the screen,
the page woudl move and you would find some of your ink half-way up the page
compared to where you kept writing. This is different from typing, since a
program can move your insertion point as it moves the page, so you don't
care exactly where it is.

Outlook (via Word) works a little differently, since ink is supported only
in a box, there is an obvious cue as to when the box will expand - that is,
when you try to draw outside of it. OneNote allows you to ink anywhere, and
there is no way to "draw outside the page".

Chris Pratley (MS)
OneNote design team


You missed a whole paragraph of mine.

Yes, what you talked about makes sense, <readcarefully> but at least provide
functionallity that expands the page as you reach to the end of it.
No, don't scroll down automatically, allow me to scroll down... just "MAKE
ROOM FOR ME TO SCROLL DOWN". OneNote wont let me scroll down without
expanding a whole page. The functionallity asked for is to just be able to
scroll one or two pages down without going back to the top of the

Try this on outlook: Write a new email, start inking, keep inking **INSIDE**
the column and reach the end of the area. You will see it expands. You
misunderstood me about inking "outside" the box.

Chris_Pratley \(MS\)

In that case, I understand what you want. FWIW, if you draw a line with ink
past the bottom of the OneNote window, we will create space to hold that
line even though you couldn't see the ink being laid down.

BTW, your description of what the button that adds more space does seems
incorrect to me. That button adds 2/3 of a screen, not a whole page. When
you say the following, do you mean "line", not page?
The functionallity asked for is to just be able to
scroll one or two pages down without going back to the top of the

2/3 of a screen (not page) was chosen so that you could see enough of what
you were writing so as to not lose your place after addign the space. If you
were to manually scroll down (actually slower and harder than using the
button since it requires fine motor skills), how much would you typically
scroll down? Would it be a different amount each time?

Chris Pratley (MS)
OneNote design team

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