Hi There,
I have a database which will be used to record documents issued from
the company and I need to implement a form of version control for the
The version format protocol for the company states the following ...
External Documents issued will have the following version format:
1.0, 1.1, 1.2 ... 2.0, 2.1 etc
Internal Documents issued will have the following version format:
1.0.1, 1.0.2 ... 2.0.1, 2.0.2 etc
Therefor any client would only ever see the external version and once
internal changes had been made the internal version would be
incremented to the next External version for issue e.g. 1.0.2 would
become 1.1 for issue.
My problem in the database world is that I have a .adp project
database which has a SQL backend and Access 2007 (well 2000 as it is
a .adp project) front end.
The first problem I have is that I am unsure of what data type I could
use to store these extended version numbers of 1.0.1 etc??
The second is that I need to be able to perform some VB function which
will sit behind an 'Up-Version' button, which will automatically
increment the value stored in the Version number field after having
moved the contents of the record to a 'previous versions' table.
I had this function setup to work when the version format was only
setup as the external structure of 1.0, 1.1, 1.2 etc.
Here is the code that I had behind the button:
Code: ....
Private Sub Cmd_New_Version_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_Cmd_New_Version_Click
Dim intNew_Version As String
Dim intProject_ID As String
Dim strNewVersion As String
Dim str_Version_ID As String
intNew_Version =
intProject_ID = Me.Frm_Documents_Issued_External.Form.Project_ID.Value
Dim stDocument_ID As String
DoCmd.RunSQL "INSERT INTO Tbl_Documents_Issued_Version_External
(Document_ID, Project_ID, Version_Number_ID, Audit_Required,
Audit_Completed, Audit_ID, Document_Type, Document_Title,
Document_Description, Date_Issued, Person_Whom_Created_Document,
Person_Whom_Issued_Document, Link_To_Document, Person_Issued_To,
Persons_Copied_To, Links_To_Related_documents, Reason_For_Issue,
Action_Required, Action_ID, Internal_Notes) " & _
"SELECT Document_ID, Project_ID, Version_Number_ID, Audit_Required,
Audit_Completed, Audit_ID, Document_Type, Document_Title,
Document_Description, Date_Issued, Person_Whom_Created_Document,
Person_Whom_Issued_Document, Link_To_Document, Person_Issued_To,
Persons_Copied_To, Links_To_Related_documents, Reason_For_Issue,
Action_Required, Action_ID, Internal_Notes FROM Tbl_Documents_Issued
where Document_ID = '" & intNew_Version & " ' and Project_ID = '" &
intProject_ID & "'"
strNewVersion = Nz(DMax("[Version_Number_ID]",
"Tbl_Documents_Issued_Version_External", "[Document_ID] ='" &
intNew_Version & "'AND [Project_ID] ='" & intProject_ID & "'")) + 0.01
str_Version_ID = Nz(DMax "[Version_ID]",
DoCmd.RunSQL "UPDATE Tbl_Documents_Issued SET Version_Number_ID = '" &
strNewVersion & "', Document_Title = NULL, Audit_Required = 0,
Audit_Completed = 0, Date_Issued = NULL, Link_To_Document = NULL,
Person_Whom_Created_Document = NULL, Person_Issued_To = NULL,
Person_Whom_Issued_Document = NULL, Persons_Copied_To = NULL,
Reason_For_Issue = NULL, Action_Required = 0, Internal_Notes = NULL
WHERE (((Document_ID) = '" & intNew_Version & " ') AND ((Project_ID) =
'" & intProject_ID & "'))"
Exit Sub
MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_Cmd_New_Version_Click
End Sub
Code End.....
Using this method the Version_ID field is of a numeric data type with
a precision of 2 and a Scale of 1.
This worked really well and I was really chuffed with the solution.
However, having now been given the task of extending the version
number to 1.0.1 I am unsure of the best path to take in sourcing a
If any one can PLEASE make any suggestions or advice of a possible
solution I would appreciate it greatly!
Many Thanks In Anticipation,
I have a database which will be used to record documents issued from
the company and I need to implement a form of version control for the
The version format protocol for the company states the following ...
External Documents issued will have the following version format:
1.0, 1.1, 1.2 ... 2.0, 2.1 etc
Internal Documents issued will have the following version format:
1.0.1, 1.0.2 ... 2.0.1, 2.0.2 etc
Therefor any client would only ever see the external version and once
internal changes had been made the internal version would be
incremented to the next External version for issue e.g. 1.0.2 would
become 1.1 for issue.
My problem in the database world is that I have a .adp project
database which has a SQL backend and Access 2007 (well 2000 as it is
a .adp project) front end.
The first problem I have is that I am unsure of what data type I could
use to store these extended version numbers of 1.0.1 etc??
The second is that I need to be able to perform some VB function which
will sit behind an 'Up-Version' button, which will automatically
increment the value stored in the Version number field after having
moved the contents of the record to a 'previous versions' table.
I had this function setup to work when the version format was only
setup as the external structure of 1.0, 1.1, 1.2 etc.
Here is the code that I had behind the button:
Code: ....
Private Sub Cmd_New_Version_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_Cmd_New_Version_Click
Dim intNew_Version As String
Dim intProject_ID As String
Dim strNewVersion As String
Dim str_Version_ID As String
intNew_Version =
intProject_ID = Me.Frm_Documents_Issued_External.Form.Project_ID.Value
Dim stDocument_ID As String
DoCmd.RunSQL "INSERT INTO Tbl_Documents_Issued_Version_External
(Document_ID, Project_ID, Version_Number_ID, Audit_Required,
Audit_Completed, Audit_ID, Document_Type, Document_Title,
Document_Description, Date_Issued, Person_Whom_Created_Document,
Person_Whom_Issued_Document, Link_To_Document, Person_Issued_To,
Persons_Copied_To, Links_To_Related_documents, Reason_For_Issue,
Action_Required, Action_ID, Internal_Notes) " & _
"SELECT Document_ID, Project_ID, Version_Number_ID, Audit_Required,
Audit_Completed, Audit_ID, Document_Type, Document_Title,
Document_Description, Date_Issued, Person_Whom_Created_Document,
Person_Whom_Issued_Document, Link_To_Document, Person_Issued_To,
Persons_Copied_To, Links_To_Related_documents, Reason_For_Issue,
Action_Required, Action_ID, Internal_Notes FROM Tbl_Documents_Issued
where Document_ID = '" & intNew_Version & " ' and Project_ID = '" &
intProject_ID & "'"
strNewVersion = Nz(DMax("[Version_Number_ID]",
"Tbl_Documents_Issued_Version_External", "[Document_ID] ='" &
intNew_Version & "'AND [Project_ID] ='" & intProject_ID & "'")) + 0.01
str_Version_ID = Nz(DMax "[Version_ID]",
DoCmd.RunSQL "UPDATE Tbl_Documents_Issued SET Version_Number_ID = '" &
strNewVersion & "', Document_Title = NULL, Audit_Required = 0,
Audit_Completed = 0, Date_Issued = NULL, Link_To_Document = NULL,
Person_Whom_Created_Document = NULL, Person_Issued_To = NULL,
Person_Whom_Issued_Document = NULL, Persons_Copied_To = NULL,
Reason_For_Issue = NULL, Action_Required = 0, Internal_Notes = NULL
WHERE (((Document_ID) = '" & intNew_Version & " ') AND ((Project_ID) =
'" & intProject_ID & "'))"
Exit Sub
MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_Cmd_New_Version_Click
End Sub
Code End.....
Using this method the Version_ID field is of a numeric data type with
a precision of 2 and a Scale of 1.
This worked really well and I was really chuffed with the solution.
However, having now been given the task of extending the version
number to 1.0.1 I am unsure of the best path to take in sourcing a
If any one can PLEASE make any suggestions or advice of a possible
solution I would appreciate it greatly!
Many Thanks In Anticipation,