Automatically Incrementing Row in Formula Copied Horizontally AcrossColumns



Excel question: I need a row number to automatically increment as I
copy a formula horizontally across columns. Sample spreadsheet
downloadable here:

Or viewable as a Google Doc here:

To elaborate, the formula in question starts in Column T. In T2, the
formula compares Node 1 to itself - hence the zero. In T2, it compares
Node 1 to Node 2, in T3, Node 1 to Node 3, and so on. Column U does
the same thing, except it compares Node 2 to Node 1, Node 2 to Node 2,
Node 2 to Node 3, and so on. I want to copy out my formula so that all
50 nodes in the matrix are filled in, in this manner.

The formula increments properly when copied vertically. Take a look at
the representative portion of the formula right after the ABS in cell
T2: ($C$2-$C2). The formula stays "anchored" on Node 1 via the $C$2.
The second part, $C2, increments as you copy it down, to $C3, $C4 and
so on. (The same is true for the rest of the formula - it just goes ($D
$2-$D2), ($E$2-$E2) and so on.)

Now take a look at Column U. The "anchor" changes from $C$2 to $C$3.
That's because Node 2 is now the basis for comparison. In Column V,
the anchor changes to $C$4, because Node 3 is the basis for

The thing is, the anchors in Columns U and V were updated by hand.
That is to say, if you copy the formula in Column T one cell to the
right, nothing increments. I realize that this is "proper" Excel
behavior - when you copy formulas horizontally, generally only the
column will increment. But I would really love a way to force the row
number of the anchor to automatically increment as I copy the formula
to the right. (Note that the anchor has to retain the $ before the row
number because when I copy the formula down, that portion of the
formula must stay fixed.)

Please let me know if you need any further clarifications. And if you
have any suggestions, I would be very grateful. Thank you.


Your formula simplifies to the following without fixing the colum
offset problem

Put into T2

To solve the offset problem use the following in cell T2


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