automatically indexing subpages in onenote 2007


Andrew Haswell

I have discovered the wonder of onenote with Office 2007 and was wondering
if there is a way to create an index on a page that automatically indexes
all the subpages, many of my page titles are very long so trying to find the
right page on the right hand page list just doesnt work so an index page
would be a great idea.

If this feature doesnt exist it should be added :)


Andrew Haswell

Yeah i appreciate search is fast, but an index page can be alot more useful
in some circumstances. In this instance i have KB articles in onenote and
searching for "exchange" or "owa" wont do me much good, i really just want
and index of all the articles i have so that i can scan down it till i see
the one im looking for. Im sure this is just one example how this might help

Andrew Haswell

actually the more i use onenote the more i am thinking this function is
needed, when i open a section i dont want the first document in it to load
automatically as this can be slow if that document is large, so i end up
leaving the blank "untitled page" there by default. An index page for the
section would be far far more usefull


Erik Sojka (MVP)

When you navigate to the section again, it should display the most
recently-used page in that section, not the first one in the list.

Chris_Pratley \(MS\)

We couldn't fit this feature in to 2007, but what you can do is select all
the pages in the section (or whatever range you want - just subpages for
example), then right click on the selected pages, choose "Copy hyperlink to
the page".

On the blank "header page" you have, choose "paste". You get a list of
hyperlinks to each page like a Table of Contents (what you are calling an
index), as you wished. It doesn't auto-update but still pretty useful.

Hope that helps.

Chris Pratley (MS)
OneNote blog:

Andrew Haswell


Thanks for the response, its a shame that you couldnt implement this
feature, maybe in SP1?!? But your solution is fine, it may not be automatic
but at least i can generate a table of contents without to much hassle and
that is what counts!

thanks again


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