I'm not entirely sure if you can capture the event.
Perhaps one of the MVPs might have an answer for you on
Another way to handle this is to write a routine that
replaces the default insert picture menu item (sample
routine at end of this message). Make a template file
which either replaces that menu choice entirely or just
place a new macro button on the toolbar. I often do this
in order to replace the default Bullets and Numbering
menu and buttons with my own macro.
Make a new .dot template file, then write your macro and
put it into a Sub routine (not private). On your toolbar,
right-click and choose Customize. From here you can not
only make a new macro button or toolbar, but also change
the existing Word menu entries (such as Insert Pic from
I don't want to turn this into a long story since I'm not
sure what your skill level is. There's a lot of things to
consider, so if you're new to this type of customization
I'd suggest you do a search on this forum for things
you're not sure about.
You may also want to check out the Word MVP site
http://word.mvps.org), which is arguably the best
collection of Word & macro related info on the web.
Give it a go and if you get stuck, post a new question on
this forum.
All the best,
Sub InsertPicAndDate()
Dim strPicVar As String
Dim myFileDateVar As Date
With Dialogs(wdDialogInsertPicture)
strPicVar = .Name
End With
ActiveDocument.InlineShapes.AddPicture (strPicVar)
myFileDateVar = FileDateTime(strPicVar)
ActiveDocument.Range.InsertAfter vbCrLf & myFileDateVar
End Sub