automatically installing mscal.ocx




I have a workbook that uses the calendar control, mscal.ocx; it works great!
but i would like to distribute to various users some of which are unlikely
to have that control registered or even installed on their system. does
anyone know of a way to automatically / programatically: -
1) install the calendar control if its not present (in the right location)
2) if not registered, register it (all systems will be windows xp)

i would want this to run before opening the workbook. and it would have to
be simple installation (ie, i just say 'open workbook xxx' and it all
installs automatically!

could i do it with vba in another workbook? if so, could someone give me
some pointers as to how i would do it?

Thanks for any help,


RB Smissaert

Simplest way is to avoid mscal.ocx and go with the Monthview control that
comes with the Windows common controls, so will always be present.
I am not sure now in which one it is, but it will be one of these:


RB Smissaert

It is in MSComCt2.ocx Microsoft Windows Common Controls-2 6.0
So, just set a reference to it and add the control to the
control box.


Tim Marsh

Thanks for the reply RBS.

I've searched my c: drive and can't find 'MSComCt2.ocx' so it seems i
am in the same position as for the 'mscal.ocx', ie, even if i
downloaded MSComCt2.ocx i would still have to have some way of
deploying it / registering it etc etc (but please correct me if i'm



PS - i did manage to find MSComCtl.ocx which i registered with windows
and added as a reference in the VBE but i didn't see any applicable
control that i could use as a result... any ideas?!

Tim Marsh

Ah, thanks. that explains the lack of control. my windows is XP Pro
Version 5.1.2600 Service Pack 2 Build 2600.

But in terms of moving on, i would still need a method of deployment
for whichever control I used (as mentioned previously) and as i've
already put it together using the mscal control, i would prefer to
keep with that. Any thoughts? In the meantime, i'll try and create
some code for it... if successful, i'll post back here.

Thanks for your continued patience!


RB Smissaert

windows is XP Pro

That should have it. I have the same.
If you want to stick with MSCal.ocx then it would be
best to provide an installation package.
I use the free INNO installer and that is very good.


Tim Marsh

i've just taken a quick look at INNO; I'm no IT expert, but it looks
very promising! thanks for your help RBS, i'm sure i'll figure it

M. Authement

If you want to use an Excel installer, let me know and I will send you an
example of what I use. With this code, I ask my users to Extract a .zip
file to a file location I specify, so it is not completely automatic.


Hi M. Authement,

yes, I'd be very interested to see that. i am now fairly good with my
spreadsheet development, but am new to the world of spreadsheet deployment,
so anything like this is most helpful.



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