Automatically refresh sorted data



How do I set up the same set of data to re-sort every time the source data
changes? My data is pulled from another sheet within the file. When this data
changes, I want the sorted data in the final sheet to reflect the new numbers
without having to manually resort the final sheet every time.



how are you refreshing the data? if by macro, you can add code to the end to



I'm sorting the long, old-fashioned way. I used to create macros in Excel 15
years ago and need to get up to speed on my 2007 version. I am copying the
data to a new sheet each time the original data from the web refreshes
(daily), then deleting unnecessary columns, then sorting by the column I
want. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated......Thanks!

Don Guillett

All of this should be able to be done with ONE mouse click. Or, even
automatically if your fetch is on a timer.
1. Define the data to copy to the new sheet (Perhaps you don't have to copy
it if you can HIDE the columns desired on your fetch sheet).
2. Decide where it is to be copied
3. Delete the columns
4. Sort
If all else fails, send me a workbook to the address BELOW



You can also link the cells in your new sheet with absolute references to
the original data.
This means the data will change simultaneously.
Now in your new sheet tools>macro>record.
Assign a shortkey eg cntrl+k in the dialogue box and make sure the macro is
in the workbook not w/sheet.
in record mode higlight relevant cells, sort to your liking and stop macro.

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