Automatically Removing Certain Entries



There are these certain entries, date/time stamp entries to be axact, on some
documents that I use that I would LOVE to be able to automatically remove
them all with some cool macro or something but I'm not too good with these
things. Here is a sample of the text:

"[4/9/2005 2:30:33 PM] <ht> On 3/29 MG775 fell below sma200.. and stayed
there for the last week.. waiting for another shoe to drop.
[4/9/2005 2:31:55 PM] <ht> Thursday AH USFC lowered Guidance .. a lot. They
cited 3 reasons for the shortfall.
[4/9/2005 2:32:17 PM] <ht> Top was slower Auto Sector business."

What I would love to be able to remove automatically from these entries are
these parts "[4/9/2005 2:30:33 PM] <ht>", "[4/9/2005 2:31:55 PM] <ht>",
"[4/9/2005 2:32:17 PM] <ht>"

A solution to this problem would be very gratefully appreciated, would make
my life all the easier.


Hi Ralph,

Dim cleanupstr As String
Dim tmptext As String
Dim anothertext As String

With ActiveDocument.Content

' for each sentence in the document

For i = 1 To .Sentences.Count

cleanupstr = .Sentences.Item(i)

If Mid$(cleanupstr, 1, 1) = "[" Then

' Here the sentence is being cleaned up in

temptxt = Mid(cleanupstr, InStr(1, cleanupstr, ">", vbTextCompare))
anothertext = Mid(temptxt, 2, Len(temptxt))
MsgBox anothertext

End If
Next i
End With

Hope the above code helps you. You have done any VBA? Paste the code in a
button click and I have used msgbox to show the cleaned up string, you can
put it in a text box or any where you want.

Hope this code helped you.


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