Automatically Resizing Listboxes


Sonny Sachdeva

I've written an option pricing model that is constantly updating valuations
in real-time based on a datafeed. Because of this, I leave the sheet on

On a few of the sheets in the workbook, I have listboxes allowing me to
select the tenor of the series I'm trying to price. Occasionally excel goes
into a 'death spiral' and begins to resize these boxes automatically until
they are almost non-existent and then crashes.

The problem is not consistent - many times I can close and reopen excel and
the problem is solved. I figure there must be a conflict somewhere, but I
haven't been able to get any of our techs to figure out the real problem.

Anyone seen this happen before?


If you are using the listbox from the Controls Toolbox you are lucky i
works with any consistency. Tools from here are very buggy.

Use the ones from the Forms toolbox - less options, less problems

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