Automatically sending XML feed to all Outlook Users


David H

Is there a way to send out a broadcast email to all Outlook users on an
Exchange server when a specific RSS feed has been updated? I'm entertaining
the idea of an ASP.NET application to capture and display system and other
outages. If an outage is reported, I'd like the information to be
automatically sent out to alert everyone - as opposed to their pulling up a
site that displays the relevant information. (Of course, they'd have to open
up message in Outlook, but let's no go there on human behavior.)

F.H. Muffman

Is there a way to send out a broadcast email to all Outlook users on
an Exchange server when a specific RSS feed has been updated? I'm
entertaining the idea of an ASP.NET application to capture and display
system and other outages. If an outage is reported, I'd like the
information to be automatically sent out to alert everyone - as
opposed to their pulling up a site that displays the relevant
information. (Of course, they'd have to open up message in Outlook,
but let's no go there on human behavior.)

Well, I'm not actually sure what Outlook has to do with this.

Look at the application that is generating the RSS feed, plenty of them
have a way to send an email when a new item is published.

If it can, create an Exchange Group and have the mail sent to that.
If it can't, look into extensions for it.

David H

Currently when there's a system issue - outage, restoration of service or
planned outage - or any issue dealing with one of our office nationwide -
power outage, phones down, office closure - the information is communicated
via a message sent to all Outlook receipiants. This assumes that the person
has Outlook open, which most people do. However, there are a variety of
intranet sites that I person might be utilizing as well as the site through
which we log into various applications accessed via Citrix.

I'm seriously entertaining the idea of something where system outages,
office closures, etc. are logged within an ASP.NET application. From there,
we'd go with a very, very simple means of inserting the data as page elements

F.H. Muffman

Is there a way to send out a broadcast email to all Outlook users on
Currently when there's a system issue - outage, restoration of service
or planned outage - or any issue dealing with one of our office
nationwide - power outage, phones down, office closure - the
information is communicated via a message sent to all Outlook
receipiants. This assumes that the person has Outlook open, which most
people do. However, there are a variety of intranet sites that I
person might be utilizing as well as the site through which we log
into various applications accessed via Citrix.

I'm seriously entertaining the idea of something where system outages,
office closures, etc. are logged within an ASP.NET application. From
there, we'd go with a very, very simple means of inserting the data as
page elements on throughout the various intranet sites (I'm thinking
via the object tag or RSS, still considering options) thereby very
widely broadcasting the updates.

I'm still confused. How is Outlook involved here in what you want to do?

If you don't want to change up the procedure too much, look for an Exchange
add-in that would enable you to provide an RSS feed of a mailbox (I don't
know if one exists or not, but...) and then create a mailbox, hide it, only
allow certain people to mail to it, and then send mail to that mailbox when
there are outages.

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