Automatically set screen resolution when opening MDB file


George van Niekerk


What can i do to set the users screen resolution automatically when opening
a MDB file to ensure that the forms does not cutt of. I know the procedure to
set the screen properties for each individual user, however this is too
cumbersome as oppoesed to automating the procedure when opening the MDB file?

Douglas J. Steele

In my opinion, developers have no business changing the user's setting.
Remember that your application isn't the only application they use, so
you'll be impacting their ability to multitask. Also, some users may have
their settings that way because of medical conditions: they may be unable to
work at the resolution you chose for them.

Instead, develop your application so that it adapts to the user settings.
You can buy modules like ShrinkerStretcher (at ) to automate this for you.

Linq Adams via

I have to agree with Doug on that, for all the reasons he gave. Here's
another hack for that that I've successfully for a number of years>

Just be aware that most of these hacks come with the caveat that they work
best when the app is developed in the lowest possible resolution that will be

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