automaticaly moving information



I am importing CSV records from a sales management application and the
information, when imported, hits the sheet in the columns and each range
needs to be moved into the correct columns. (This imported information is of
a different size each time it is imported. )

Also, there will be several ranges of records that will have to be moved
under the same identified column.


move I2 thru M2 to D2
move N2 thru R2 to D3
move S2 thru W2 to D4 (and so on until it finds the last record with the
same import code)

I have identified the columns that this information needs to be moved into,
however I do not know the formula or code to tell it to do this?

Can anyone help me? Thanks, J.


I think the problem is with your input data. the data may have been created
on a unix system that uses a different Line feed. Your problem may be all
the data is ending up on one line because it is not recognizing the carriage
return. If this is the case I have a better solution which is to read the
data into the worksheet using a macro that will recognized the UNIX carriage

Rick Rothstein \(MVP - VB\)

If Joel's guess if wrong, then for the example you posted, this macro will
move the row of data to the column you specified...

Sub MoveRow2Data()
Dim X As Long, Z As Long
Dim LastColumn As Long
Const StartCol As Long = 9
Const GroupCount As Long = 5
Const MoveToColumn As Long = 4
Const DataRow As Long = 2
With Worksheets("Sheet1")
LastColumn = .Cells(DataRow, .Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column
For X = StartCol To LastColumn Step 5
For Z = 0 To GroupCount - 1
.Cells(DataRow, X + Z).Copy _
Destination:=.Cells(X - 9 + DataRow + Z, MoveToColumn)
.Cells(DataRow, StartCol).Resize(1, LastColumn - _
StartCol + 1).ClearContents
End With
End Sub



Rick: I think you have to insert rows otherwise you are going to overwrite
data in next row. I posted this solution in a newer posting.

Rick Rothstein \(MVP - VB\)

I didn't get the impression this was being done in an already populated
column (mainly because the example showed the starting row as 2); but, of
course, given the example nature of the message, you could very well be



Hi Rick and Joel,

I appreciate your help and I guess my explanation wasn't completely clear,
so I will try it again and hopefully I won't make it worse.

The Imported CSV information will be going onto and overwriting any existing
information already on the sheet. And this is expected and it's ok because
when the initial search query is done within the sales-management
application, the search is always based on a new "date", so the information
on the spreadsheet needs to be replaced.

I am going to try the macro that you gave me, but it's been a very long time
since I programmed code, so if you can give me any pointers that would be

Thanks J.

Rick Rothstein \(MVP - VB\)

I am going to try the macro that you gave me, but it's been a very long
since I programmed code, so if you can give me any pointers that would be

Right click the worksheet tab that you want this functionality on, select
View Code from the menu that pops up and Copy/Paste my macro into the window
that opened up when you did that. Next, back on the worksheet, after your
CSV file is imported into cell I2 through whatever column it end at, press
Alt+F8, select MoveRow2Data from the list and click Run. That should be it
(assuming I didn't screw up the code in my macro or that I didn't
misinterpret your question).



HI Rick

I copy and pasted the macro but when I ran it I got a syntex error.

Do my my ranges have to be noted on in the macro?

My ranges are:

I2 thru M2 inserted unter D3
N2 thru R2 inserted under D4
S2 thru W2 inserted under D5

And so on ....

I will be putting a math formula at the bottom of the D column when all of
the info has be moved into place.

I hope this makes more sense?

If so, would you tell me how to modify the macro?

Thanks, J.

Rick Rothstein \(MVP - VB\)

What line did you get the "syntax error" on? By the way, I just re-ran the
code here on my system without any problem at all. I am using XL2003... what
version are you using? Out of curiosity, did you remember to change the
Worksheets("Sheet1") reference in the With statement to the name of your
actual sheet?




I'm using Excel 2000 and, yes, I changed the sheet name to the one that I
have renamed it too.

Also, here's the error:

Compile error
Syntax Error

And the first line is highlighted in Yellow with the second line highlighted
in Blue,




I just tried to save my file as a xls extention and I got the following

VBA 3821b - Internal Error 2709

and when asked to repair it, I got the next error message:

Windows Installer Error 1603

So, it seems that it's my system that is most likely the problem. Would you


Rick Rothstein \(MVP - VB\)

I don't know... I wouldn't expect something in the system to declare lines
of code as having invalid syntax; and yet, there is no syntax error with the
code that I posted, so who knows. I'm guessing you have rebooted your
computer. While I've not had to do this myself, there is supposed to be a
way to repair Office itself... have you tried to do that yet?



Hi Rick,

Well I have spent some time "house cleaning" my system and I also
"re-installed" Windows XP SP 2 Professional" and hopefully that will help.

I reloaded the spreadsheet with your macro in it and then ran the macro.

I was still getting the syntax error, so I removed all of the " >>>" from
the lines and now I don't get any colourful indications but I am getting the
following error:

"Script is out of Range"

Would you take a look at it and see if you can determine why it's giving me
that error?

Here's a copy of the macro as it appears now: Thanks, J.

Sub MoveRow2Data()
Dim X As Long, Z As Long
Dim LastColumn As Long
Const StartCol As Long = 9
Const GroupCount As Long = 5
Const MoveToColumn As Long = 4
Const DataRow As Long = 2
With Worksheets(TrustDepositCSVfile)
LastColumn = .Cells(DataRow, .Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column
For X = StartCol To LastColumn Step 5
For Z = 0 To GroupCount - 1
..Cells(DataRow, X + Z).Copy _
Destination:=.Cells(X - 9 + DataRow + Z, MoveToColumn)
..Cells(DataRow, StartCol).Resize(1, LastColumn - _
StartCol + 1).ClearContents
End With
End Sub

Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range)

End Sub

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