I saved a backup of a workbook with four worksheets (the fourth being a
summary of the other three). I was correcting references which were
incorrect by selecting the column and changing the column letter using find
replace. This worked on the first few columns. Then on one I got an update
window with the name of one of the worksheets in the title and both the
backup workbook and current workbook in the window forcing me to choose to
open one or the other. When I did I then got a window with a list of the
worksheets in it. To see what would happen, I selected one. It went back to
the Update window requiring that I open one of the workbooks (it also
requested the workbook password along the way). It would not cancel. I had
to got to task manager and close out Excel to get around it. What was
summary of the other three). I was correcting references which were
incorrect by selecting the column and changing the column letter using find
replace. This worked on the first few columns. Then on one I got an update
window with the name of one of the worksheets in the title and both the
backup workbook and current workbook in the window forcing me to choose to
open one or the other. When I did I then got a window with a list of the
worksheets in it. To see what would happen, I selected one. It went back to
the Update window requiring that I open one of the workbooks (it also
requested the workbook password along the way). It would not cancel. I had
to got to task manager and close out Excel to get around it. What was