automaticly add 6 zero when i type a number



In Excel 2003 i had a cell that would automaticly add 6 zeros to the
beginning of a number. If i typed in " 1234 " it would look like this "
0000001234 " I did this by custominzing the fomat of the cell with "
000000#### ". Have upgraded to Excel 2007 and now it doesn't work anymore.
Now it displays " 0012 ". i've tried every combo i can think of to make this
work but can't get it right. Does anyone know what i should do?

robert morris

You're close Format Cells Click on Custom in the Type Box, replace the
word general with 10 zero's. Copy to your range. When you type in 1234 it
will return 0000001234.

Bob M.


I did what you said and unfortunatly it isn't working. i put in " 0000000000
" and it returned " 0000000012 " so i added 2 more zeros just to see and it
just adds 2 more zeros so now it has 13 zeros and 12 at the end. Any other

robert morris


Looks like you have the "Automatic Decimal" activated.
Set your Format Cells back to ten zero's. Click on Ribbon "Button" (Top
Left) Select Excel Options at the bottom of the page
Select "Advanced" Option Uncheck "Automatically Insert a decimal"

Should work now.

Bob M.


Do you mean that you only want 6 zeros in front of the number, no
matter how many digits you enter yourself? So, if you enter 1 you want
to see 0000001, if you enter 123 you want to see 000000123 and if you
enter 123456789 you want to see 000000123456789?

If so, and your number is in A1, then put this in B1:


Copy down as necessary, and fix values if you want only this, so that
you can get rid of column A.

Hope this helps.



Thanks Robert that was the problem. Going to take a little time to adjust to
the new version. I really appriciate everyones help


robert morris

mistake correction

Custom Cell formating should read 000000####

Sorry about that

Bob M.

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