Bob Stark
I am building a command line VB application that automates the dialog boxes
displayed by the Secure Pack plug-in.
I used setTimer to create a function to be called after a short delay, where
I issue SendKeys. However, the timer does not go off. It looks like the
PowerPoint thread is in the middle of the plug-in, and the timer is blocked.
Once I manually work my way through SecurePack dialogs, my code resumes.
My code is patterned after code posted by Shyam Pillai to open password
protected PowerPoint presentations
Researching, I have turned up an alternate technique, using an activeX
control, documented at http://support.microsoft.com/?kbid=259971 . It would
need some adaptation to run in my command-line environment. Has anyone used
this approach, and can comment on how it differs from setTimer?
displayed by the Secure Pack plug-in.
I used setTimer to create a function to be called after a short delay, where
I issue SendKeys. However, the timer does not go off. It looks like the
PowerPoint thread is in the middle of the plug-in, and the timer is blocked.
Once I manually work my way through SecurePack dialogs, my code resumes.
My code is patterned after code posted by Shyam Pillai to open password
protected PowerPoint presentations
Researching, I have turned up an alternate technique, using an activeX
control, documented at http://support.microsoft.com/?kbid=259971 . It would
need some adaptation to run in my command-line environment. Has anyone used
this approach, and can comment on how it differs from setTimer?