Automating adding/deleting rows and content with macros (I suppose



Hi all, I currently have three tabs on my Excel file, say "output1",
"output2" and "database" in which information in the database tab will appear
in the output tabs.

Each row of information in the database tab will span a single row, and a
number of columns. All such information will appear in only one of the two
output tabs.

Currently, whether such information appears in output1 or output2 depends on
the formulas in the respective output tab. If output1 contains formulas that
refer accordingly to the database tab while output2 doesn't, then the
information would only appear in output1 and not output2.

What I'd like to do is to add two checkbox (output1 and output2) sections in
the database tab, so that a) I can eliminate the manual component of writing
the formulas in the different output tabs, and b) automate the whole adding
(and deleting) process in the database tab simply by checking (unchecking)
the right checkboxes.

Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks!!


I read through you posting a number of times and I'm not sure wha
exactly is your problem(s). I don't know what you level of expertisiz
is with VBA and don't know if you need help with the entire task or jus
adding the check boxes.

The checkboxes have a property LinkedCell that will put a True or Fals
in a cell on the worksheet. You want to use the same column in th
worksheet for each checkbox to put the true or false. then write
macro that looks at the True or False column to determine if the dat
goers into output1 or output 2. This is the best method to associat
each check box with a specific row of the worksheet.

You don't want to use a checkbox event that will trigger on th
checkbox being clicked because you would require a macro for eac
checkbox you add. Instead you want to run a macro that just looks a
the true or false Column of data in the worksheet

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