Automating Daily Emails in Outlook 2007


Rick Davis

I work in a testing laboratory that sends out 8 MS Word reports and 2
Excel reports electronically to the same recipients from day to day.
Our lab services 8 external sites and each of those sites receives an
individualized MS Word report document. We are using Outlook 2007
in Windows XP in our lab. The MS Word reports are in individual
folders on our server and each of those folders in turn has subfolders
corresponding to the date of the report being sent out. Is there a way
of automating the daily emails we send out within Outlook 2007 that
does not involve macros? We currently are setting up the emails
manually (using the "Reply To" function from the previous day's email
for each site), attaching the MS Word report documents, and then
saving the emails to the archive folder so that the reports can be
sent out immediately once the lab results are known (the results are
the same 99% of the time from day to day so we do the reports in the
morning to save turnaround time prior to the results being known in
the afternoon). This is quite tedious and we were wondering if a
better, more automated method is available for generating these emails
from day to day.


David C. Holley

Or you might go with a VBScript that executes via Task Scheduler. Although
I've never had the need, you should be able to construct the VBScript to use
custom command line switches so that its one script basic script but with 8
tasks that have varying command line arguments to pull the right file and
send it to the right person.

David C. Holley

And on that note, you could stream line the process by using a generic name
for each report which is then renamed by the VBScript once the email is
sent. For example, LabResults.DOC to LabResults_2010-01-06. VBScript also
has the capability of accessing the properties of a file such as date &
time. You could also structure it so that it automatically sends any files
in a specific directory and then moves them to a sent directory such as

Original Directory
C:\Clients\Holley and Smith\Reports\Unsentt Reports\

New Directory
C:\Clients\Holley and Smith\Reports\Sent Reports\2010\01-January


Please try our email scheduler ( which will allow
you to send multiple individual emails, html or plain text, with
attachments, either as a one-off or regularly at a specified time and
interval. The recipients list can be drawn from your Outlook Contacts, a
plain text file,database or spreadsheet. It also allows you to specify the
interval between each send so as to avoid triggering any spam limits on your
account. Outlook is not needed to send. Your machine needs to be switched
on, but you don't even have to be logged in. Works with Win

You would also need to use this in conjunction with a scheduled .vbs or
..bat to rename the file as others have suggested, as our email scheduler is
only capable of sending the same file name out each day. Other than that, a
custom coded solution would be needed

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David C. Holley

If you're not able to develop the code yourself, you may be able to google
around for products that do. Typically, product manufacturers refrain from
posting specific products in the newsgroups as the ng's are all about users
helping users as opposed to a marketplace to sell products and services.
There will be times were users make recommendations, but purely because they
are familar with the product as a user.

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