Automating Data Analasys



I am working on a project for my department that involves looking at
student rosters, checking what classes each student is registered for
and then recording how many classes they are registered for during:
M-F during the day (D)
M-Th during the evening (E)
Friday evening (F)
Saturday (S)
Sunday (U)

And then how many credits they are taking in each of those periods.

I now have 3 spread sheets I am working with
One will contain all of my final information
One contains the student's classes they are registered for (via our
code for the class)
The third is a list of all of the info on each class (sorted by codes)

In the third sheet (the Class list) I have created a formula that has
given me what time period each class falls under (D, E, F, S, U).

What I now need is a formula for my student spread sheet. What I want
it to do is:
Look at the Cell to the left of it (this will either be blank or
contain a code)
Identify that code on the sheet that has my class list (for ease of
refference I have just made a second worksheet named CLASS, so
refferencing it is done via CLASS! I know).
Pull out the letter code (sitting in the cell to the Right) and that
would be result of the formula.

My main problems are:
1) I don't know how to have a formula seach through a list for
something specific.
2) Refference something that is one column over (B-1 = A? A+1 = B?)

Once I understand these things I should be able to automate what
aparently was done by hand before :)

Thank you for your time and help.


Well, I have found out how to use VLOOKUP, and that made things much
easier :D
I figgured out a simple IF statment lets me check to see if I actualy
need to run the conversion....

Things are looking up :D


Do you need any more help with this, or are you at a good place right now and
just looking forward to your next brick wall? If so, reply to this and I'll
get back to the thread as soon as I get the email.

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