I've got a fairly complex macro that opens and populates an Excel
spreadsheet from Word. Once the user enters data, an error check is performed
from Word.
Everything is working well except that I want the execution of the error
check to be invisible to the user. Everything I've found indicates that
making the application invisible should do the trick but it doesn't seem to
work with my scenario.
I'm using the following code to reference the file:
With myXL 'myXL = Excel.application
..Workbooks(vFileName).Activate 'vFileName = name of file
end with
with myXL.workbooks(vFileName)
end with
Both variations result in the Excel application being displayed.
I added 'myXL.visible=false' and Excel disappears for an instant and then
reappeared to execute the code. The code checks content of cells using
..activecell.value etc.
Any suggestions would be very much appreciated!
I've got a fairly complex macro that opens and populates an Excel
spreadsheet from Word. Once the user enters data, an error check is performed
from Word.
Everything is working well except that I want the execution of the error
check to be invisible to the user. Everything I've found indicates that
making the application invisible should do the trick but it doesn't seem to
work with my scenario.
I'm using the following code to reference the file:
With myXL 'myXL = Excel.application
..Workbooks(vFileName).Activate 'vFileName = name of file
end with
with myXL.workbooks(vFileName)
end with
Both variations result in the Excel application being displayed.
I added 'myXL.visible=false' and Excel disappears for an instant and then
reappeared to execute the code. The code checks content of cells using
..activecell.value etc.
Any suggestions would be very much appreciated!