Automating Pivot



I would like to create a macro that will perform the same function as a pivot
table without actually creating a pivot table. More specifically, I have 3
columns (Column A, B, and C). Every row in Columns A:B has characters that
are comprised of letters, numbers, and dashes. Every row in Column C has a
quantity that is connected to Column A:B.

For example, A1:C1 might look something like this…

A1 B1 C1
EAT-1070 IU-009T 5

Sometimes doubles will appear in Columns A:B. So the contents in A1:B1
might be found again in A12:B12 or anywhere else in Column A:B, but with a
different quantity like 3. When that happens I want the code to delete the
duplicate in A12:B12, but take the associated quantity in Column C12 which in
this instance is 3 and add it to the original quantity in C1 which is 5. As
a result A12:C12 would be deleted and A1:C1 would now look something like

A1 B1 C1
EAT-1070 IU-009T 8

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