automating style formatting



Help! For the first time I’m trying to use the formatting features of Word
2007. I have a 2500 page commentary which I’v cleared of all formatting to
start with. Then I began to define in my mind what is to be defined as
Heading 1, Heading 2, etc. As you might conclude the designation of over
400,000 verses and over 100,000 references etc will take the remainder of my
mortal life. Now I have a project for the first eternity in heaven. Wrong.
I need to use the automated features of Word to help me in the massive
formatting job. I think the key might b in Search and Replace.
How do I use search and replace to change a format a line to Heading 3
TOPIC – Redemption See Appendix A
Or a scripture verse to Heading 2
Genesis 4:9 or John 12:5
When there are 66 books and thousands of verses?
Also how can I redefine the format I want as opposed to the preset formats
in Change Style?
Is the tool I need Find and Replace?

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