Automating Visio



I have been reading through the Visio SDK and have found it very confusing.
I am attempting to write a Visual program that will flowchart
assembly code Visio. I've read through an example provided by Microsoft
where they open Visio, place 5-6 shapes and then save the file. This article
was helpful, but I'd like to be able to do more. I'd like to be able to left
align text, change the size of placed stencils, get the location of placed
stencils, change the page size, and so on.

I've yet to find any information related to completing such tasks! I know
it has to be possible. If anyone can point me in the right direction I would
greatly appreciate it.



Right, I've been doing that. However, the code generated appears to be using
enumerations such as: visXFormPinX, visSectionObject, visRowXFormOut, and
visHorzAlign. Do you have any idea where these are defined? Currently my
method of determining what they are is to run in debug and check there
values. Then in my VB app, I hard code those values. This seems like a
really complicated and confusing way for me to build my application. Surely
this API has to be defined clearly somewhere!?

Thanks for the quick response.


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