S Willison
I am automating Word to create a mail merge document in C#. I need to save
the final, merged document to a SQL Server database for historical purposes.
When there is just one record in the merge, this is easy. However, when I am
merging multiple records I need to capture each record's portion of the final
merge document and save only that part to the database for that record. I
notice that the final document has a section break between each record. Is
it possible to use that or some other means to split the document behind the
scenes? I only want to display the one, single document to the user rather
than looping through the records and popping up a copy of Word for each
record. Any ideas? Thanks very much for any insight.
the final, merged document to a SQL Server database for historical purposes.
When there is just one record in the merge, this is easy. However, when I am
merging multiple records I need to capture each record's portion of the final
merge document and save only that part to the database for that record. I
notice that the final document has a section break between each record. Is
it possible to use that or some other means to split the document behind the
scenes? I only want to display the one, single document to the user rather
than looping through the records and popping up a copy of Word for each
record. Any ideas? Thanks very much for any insight.