Automating zip code registry


Karl H

I have a form that allows data entry, linking zip codes to City/State
combinations. The purpose is to speed data input for form completion later.
Currently inividual zip codes are input. The problem is: New York has 125 zip
codes and I would like to be able to have my form say:
Input city name, state and the range of zip codes for that city, ie:
Then the form would create 125 record sets with sequential zip codes in that
Any idea on how to program this?
Many thanks,


Thanks for that. I just downloaded a copy for myself.
There is only one issue here that you should be aware of. USPS Zip Code
data is not static. It changes from time to time. This should work for you
unless you need absolute pin point accuracy. USPS publishes the current list
(if I recall correctly from an app that needed zip codes 10 year ago) every 6


As info, USPS updates are released every two months. We use database from Their SDK includes DLLs that are callable from Access.
Very easy to implement either city/state lookup or full address
standardization from Access forms.



Good info, Bruce.
I just looked back at my previous post. WOW not 10, it has been 20 years
I guess things were different then. We registered with USPS and got only a
regional set twice a year. It came on the old reel tapes. It was about 10


I remember those days, too. Zip software (Group1) was pain in the butt, plus
VERY expensive. Amazing that my laptop is 1000 x more powerful than that


We got it free. The trick was we signed up at the post office to be a mass
mailer and identified the region we wanted. Then every six months we got a
new set of tapes we read in and updated our tables. We were using a Basic
Four mini computer. We didn't really use the zip codes, it was used for
locating addresses based on delivery areas.

The application was for a home delivery system and we had to determine which
store to route the order to based on the customer's address. Now they would
probably use gps location.

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