Van S. Mabrito
I posted the following problem previously but didn't get a response and I need to find a solution. Perhaps it is too challenging to deal with, but I wanted to try again, and see if someone could tackle it, or at least tell me where I might find a solution
Thanks, regard
I have an Excel/Word VBA app with automation. Excel VBA
has a routine to open a Word doc via automation, and uses
the Find/Replace methods to populate the pre-formatted
Word template. It has worked fine under Office 97, 2000
and XP but now (not sure this is the reason) under Office
2003, I get an error (code follows) at the statement
...replacement.Text = StrConv(Worksheets("Dealer
Info").Range("rngDirDealerNm").Value, vbProperCas
The err.number = -2147023151 and the err.description
"Automation error The procedure number is out or range.
I checked the knowledge base and found no references to
this error
Any ideas what the problem could be
Thanks and God bless
Set wrd = CreateObject("Word.Application"
For ndxMain = 1 To strQtNd
If ndxMain = 1 Then ' 1st pag
wrd.Documents.Add Template:=
mstrTmpltPath & "Quote.dot" ' chg to allow any
'Debug.Print wrd.Documents(1).Nam
strFileNm = strCourse & " " & strDate & ".doc
booFName = Fals
docFileName = "
docFileName = Application.GetSaveAsFilenam
(InitialFileName:=mstrPath & "\Saved Quotes\" &
fileFilter:="Word document (*.doc),*.doc",
Title:="Save Copy of Printed Quote As:"
If docFileName <> "" The
booFName = Tru
End I
Loop Until booFName <> Fals
' Debug.Print wrd.ActiveDocument.Nam
wrd.ActiveDocument.SaveAs Filename:=docFileNam
Else ' page 2 &
wrd.Documents.Add Template:=
mstrTmpltPath & "Quote2.dot" ' chg to allow any
End I
Dim nm As Documen
Dim x As Intege
wrd.WindowState = wdwindowstatenorma
With wrd.Selection.Fin
' Dealer header field
' find and replace dealer Hdr nam
.Text = "dealerhdrFld
.replacement.Text = StrConv(Worksheets("Dealer
Info").Range("rngDirDealerNm").Value, vbProperCase
.Execute Replace:=wdReplaceAll, Forward:=Tru
I posted the following problem previously but didn't get a response and I need to find a solution. Perhaps it is too challenging to deal with, but I wanted to try again, and see if someone could tackle it, or at least tell me where I might find a solution
Thanks, regard
I have an Excel/Word VBA app with automation. Excel VBA
has a routine to open a Word doc via automation, and uses
the Find/Replace methods to populate the pre-formatted
Word template. It has worked fine under Office 97, 2000
and XP but now (not sure this is the reason) under Office
2003, I get an error (code follows) at the statement
...replacement.Text = StrConv(Worksheets("Dealer
Info").Range("rngDirDealerNm").Value, vbProperCas
The err.number = -2147023151 and the err.description
"Automation error The procedure number is out or range.
I checked the knowledge base and found no references to
this error
Any ideas what the problem could be
Thanks and God bless
Set wrd = CreateObject("Word.Application"
For ndxMain = 1 To strQtNd
If ndxMain = 1 Then ' 1st pag
wrd.Documents.Add Template:=
mstrTmpltPath & "Quote.dot" ' chg to allow any
'Debug.Print wrd.Documents(1).Nam
strFileNm = strCourse & " " & strDate & ".doc
booFName = Fals
docFileName = "
docFileName = Application.GetSaveAsFilenam
(InitialFileName:=mstrPath & "\Saved Quotes\" &
fileFilter:="Word document (*.doc),*.doc",
Title:="Save Copy of Printed Quote As:"
If docFileName <> "" The
booFName = Tru
End I
Loop Until booFName <> Fals
' Debug.Print wrd.ActiveDocument.Nam
wrd.ActiveDocument.SaveAs Filename:=docFileNam
Else ' page 2 &
wrd.Documents.Add Template:=
mstrTmpltPath & "Quote2.dot" ' chg to allow any
End I
Dim nm As Documen
Dim x As Intege
wrd.WindowState = wdwindowstatenorma
With wrd.Selection.Fin
' Dealer header field
' find and replace dealer Hdr nam
.Text = "dealerhdrFld
.replacement.Text = StrConv(Worksheets("Dealer
Info").Range("rngDirDealerNm").Value, vbProperCase
.Execute Replace:=wdReplaceAll, Forward:=Tru