I'm using Word 2000 to produce an output document from a VB application.
I'm fine inserting text, images etc at bookmarks within a Word template
file, but when I insert text which contains HTML tags, these are inserted as
plain text rather than HTML. For instance you end up seeing "<B>Bold
Here</B>" rather than just a bolded formatting of the words "Bold Here"
Word 2000 can obviously handle HTML, because if you paste in text copied
from a browser, you get it rendered as HTML rather than plain text.
I'm using code like this to insert the text:
"<B>Bold Here</B>"
Suggestions gratefully received!
Thanks, John
I'm fine inserting text, images etc at bookmarks within a Word template
file, but when I insert text which contains HTML tags, these are inserted as
plain text rather than HTML. For instance you end up seeing "<B>Bold
Here</B>" rather than just a bolded formatting of the words "Bold Here"
Word 2000 can obviously handle HTML, because if you paste in text copied
from a browser, you get it rendered as HTML rather than plain text.
I'm using code like this to insert the text:
"<B>Bold Here</B>"
Suggestions gratefully received!
Thanks, John