Automation multiversion excel 2003-2007



Hi lads.
I use simple excel automation im my app.
I do it like in MS samples ,add reference to excel com libraries
,createobject ,etc.But as far as I can see they changed object model in excel
2007 ,so i can't run my app on the PC with excel 2007 installed .
Of course I can change refernce to libraries and make small changes to the
export functions ,but the modified version will not work on old 2003 excel
Can you help me with this problem ?
I wanna run my app on both versions

Cindy M.

Hi =?Utf-8?B?cmVzdGxlc3M=?=,
I use simple excel automation im my app.
I do it like in MS samples ,add reference to excel com libraries
,createobject ,etc.But as far as I can see they changed object model in excel
2007 ,so i can't run my app on the PC with excel 2007 installed .
Of course I can change refernce to libraries and make small changes to the
export functions ,but the modified version will not work on old 2003 excel
Can you help me with this problem ?
I wanna run my app on both versions
Yes, some things did change in the new version. More than to what we've become
accustomed during the last ten years or so - the last time there was a major
paradigm shift in the object models.

The best place to pursue this would be the excel.programming newsgroup, as
you'll find the highest "density" of specialists there. But in order to get help
you'll need to provide a lot more information. You don't mention what your
application does, nor what is no longer working. Best if you can isolate the
exact code lines that are failing, and describe what you expect them to do, in
what context.

Cindy Meister
INTER-Solutions, Switzerland (last update Jun 17 2005)

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in the newsgroup and not by e-mail :)

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