Automation of copy/pasting data and retrieving results




Can someone please assist me with a solution

I have a workbook with three work sheets
• The first worksheet (which I will call WS1) is to be used as
User Interface to collect data.
• The second worksheet (which I will call WS2) acts as databas
and data manipulation sheet. This is a hidden sheet not to be visible t
the users.
• The third worksheet (which I will call WS3) is the display shee
displaying the results including charts.

About 20 data items are entered every day in WS1, which must be paste
in a new row of WS2. Hence each row of WS2 representing the entry for
specific date

WS3 must display the entries of selected cells in first row and the las
entered row in WS2. as well as other relevant information pulled fro
WS2 using formulas + also dynamic charts based on selection made by


Can someone assist me with how to automatically populate WS2 with on
daily basis. And how can I refresh the same cells in WS3 with the las
row data from WS2. To do this I have thought of a vlookup based o
TODAY() on another hidden page and then displaying it here. However
will be happy to have someone point me in the direction of a better an
simpler solution. Also can someone guide me if it possible to displa
different charts based on checkbox selections made by a user on WS1

Performance: The spread sheet will be used for about 2 years and wil
execute at least 5 formulas daily to get the necessary daily results fo
displaying tom the users. Over and above these will any other formula
or macros that you may suggest.

Excel Knowledge
I am comfortable using Formulas (mostly through trial and error) bu
have no knowledge of Macros. Having said that I am eager to learn macro
(I do not have a programming background)

Thanks any assistance will be appreciated


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