AutoNew for Auto numbering not working for all users



Have inserted an AutoNew macro for autonumbering (see
below)into a form template. The bookmark the text file is
dumping into is in an unprotected section of the
template. Both template and accompanying text file reside
on a common server. The problem? It works fine from my
computer and another computer in my office, but does not
work from other computers on the network. The employees
have read rights to the folder where the template resides
through a tab within word. When the user
selects "FileNew", the file opens and hesitates, like it
is tryping to pull it together, then they get a Visual
Basic error which reads: Method 'PrivateProfileString' of
object 'System' Failed. Where do I start looking
(location, permissions, etc.) for a solution so all can
access the autonumbering schema?

Sub AutoNew()
' AutoNew Macro
' Macro created 9/17/2003 by XXXXXX

ReqNo = System.PrivateProfileString("\\NTServer\
Settings.Txt", "MacroSettings", "ReqNo")
If ReqNo = "" Then
ReqNo = 0
ReqNo = ReqNo + 1
End If

("\\NTServer\Settings.Txt", "MacroSettings", "ReqNo") =

ActiveDocument.Bookmarks("ReqNo").Range.InsertBefore Format
(ReqNo, "00000#")
ActiveDocument.SaveAs FileName:="ReqNo" & Format
(ReqNo, "00000#")

End Sub

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