I am using the Shell command in another application to run Word 2003 and open
a new document based on a template with the following command line:
"C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\OFFICE\WINWORD.EXE" /t"c:\MyTemplate.dot"
Hint: you can test this by using the Start Run command or creating a shortcut.
The template contains an AutoNew macro, but it does not run when the
template is open via the command line. It runs perfectly when the template
is open in the normal way from Word. I have tried a ThisDocument
Document_New event procedure with the same result.
I have Macro Security set to Medium, and am prompted to enable macros, but
still the Auto or Event macros don't run
a new document based on a template with the following command line:
"C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\OFFICE\WINWORD.EXE" /t"c:\MyTemplate.dot"
Hint: you can test this by using the Start Run command or creating a shortcut.
The template contains an AutoNew macro, but it does not run when the
template is open via the command line. It runs perfectly when the template
is open in the normal way from Word. I have tried a ThisDocument
Document_New event procedure with the same result.
I have Macro Security set to Medium, and am prompted to enable macros, but
still the Auto or Event macros don't run