I understand and agree completely with everything you say. My only concern
is from my developer's standpoint, I use the field in WHERE conditions like
"ReportID IN (12345, 12346, 12347, 12377, 23466, 43566, 23434, 54545, 56565,
.... etc)" that may have up to a hundred records (hand-picked by the user in
a multi-select listbox). I'm not sure if there's a maximum string length to
that WHERE condition string, but double- and triple-digit numbers keep it
shorter than 4- and 5-digit ones.
Also, as I develop this app, it makes it much easier for me to debug when I
can see the ReportIDs in the string, and I can recognize if they are coming
out of a particular set of records that are related by a Foreign Key field.
When I de-populate and re-populate the tables, I like to recognize the
patterns the same way I've seen them before.
To answer your question: I have no plans to reset the autonumber once the
application is developed/deployed.
Thanks for your insights. If you know about a maximum string size for the
WhereCondition (or maximum for an ordinary SQL statement), I am curious to
know it.
Thank you.
Paul Johnson