AutoNumber not creating new numbers


Steve Vincent

I have an ID field in a table set to AutoNumber data type, and it's the
primary key (Indexed: Yes, no duplicates). When I create a new record,
Access re-uses an ID number that already exists in the table for that ID
field, and of course I get the message that a conflict exists in the index,
primary key, etc.

Any ideas where to start looking for the issue here? It's Access 2007. Is
this a new "feature" of 2007 -- where AutoNumber uses a number that is
already in use in the table? It is very strange.


Allen Browne

Steve, here's an explanation of some of the causes for this problem:
Fixing AutoNumbers when Access assigns negatives or duplicates

As Norman pointed out a compact/repair sometimes fixes this problem. You can
use the code in the article above to fix other cases.

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