Larry Linson said:
... But I am perfectly willing to be blunt -- your post did not add to the
discussion at hand (which dealt with the nature of Autonumbers, unique but
not necessarily monotonically increasing), and did not increase your stature
in the community.
Hey, Hey, Hey, why all this hostility. My message was not intended to insult
anyone, only to record my many years of experience as a DB consultant, when I
would get messages from naive users along the lines of:
"Autonumbers are supposed to ensure uniqueness, so I have created a table
with fields AutoNumber, STCode, STName - So how come I find in it multiple
instances of ON Ontario, or AK Alaska ??? Why doesn't the the AutoNumber
prevent that?"
Yes, obvious to you and me, but not to the questioner. So I repeat,
...discussion at hand (which dealt with the nature of Autonumbers...<
The OP's post did NOT deal with the nature of autonumbers themselves, but
with the nature of identifying SEQUENTIAL business information, for which
Autonumber are totally unsuited. Just as they are for identifying UNIQUE
business information.