How do I make sure that autonumber always starts from 1?
I've created a database, practised entering data, didn't
like it, altered the form etc, and then tried again. Now
thta my db is up and running, some forms start at eg. no
15, some at 21, depending on how many times i've tested
it. Now I need them all back at 1!! How do I do this? I
know there is a way of forcing the number to start at a
number other than one, but all i'm looking for is in
effect a reset button
I've created a database, practised entering data, didn't
like it, altered the form etc, and then tried again. Now
thta my db is up and running, some forms start at eg. no
15, some at 21, depending on how many times i've tested
it. Now I need them all back at 1!! How do I do this? I
know there is a way of forcing the number to start at a
number other than one, but all i'm looking for is in
effect a reset button